Deep within, you and I are the same.

Deep within, there is no judgement only heart.

Deep within, compassion emerges because we recognize our own faults.

Deep within, we are all on the same journey simply trying to figure out our way home.

Deep within, we know separation is a delusion of mind.

Deep within, we speak the same language.

Deep within, my heart smiles when it recognizes yours.

Deep within, we know time is eternal.

Deep within, all are forgiven and that is okay.

Deep within, there is no shame only self-love.

Deep within, we recognize there is something greater than ourselves.

Deep within, we understand our problems are mere falsities.

Deep within, we trust all is well and exactly how is should be.

Deep within, we are not only healed but perfect, whole and complete.

Deep within, we have a common interest and that is to Love.