It seems like so many people feel as though they are not enough. They wish they could be prettier, smarter, more successful, happier… But what if I told you each and every one of us is exactly enough?!

We tend to get lost in those self limiting thoughts in our head. We “think” no one could understand so we put on our masks and go about the day, just waiting for it to end. 

But what would happen if we allowed ourself to be vulnerable and share our true self with the world? What if we could speak to how we truly felt out loud without fear of judgement? What if we could trust that others would receive us openly with love and tenderness alone each step of the way?

Many times, when we lead with our struggles we invite others to do just the same. We welcome others to be Real and join us full heartedly in this thing called Life. 

Let’s make the switch from desiring some notion of perfection to gaining comfort in who we truly are. With our entire Being.

You are perfect just the way you are.

Jennifer Picinic, PhD

Certified Spiritual Counselor